Putin’s War on an Unprovoked Ukraine—Russian Soldiers Killed Babies, Women and the Elderly


         War is a negative action that only equals death and destruction—no country has ever won a war without being left with a country to rebuild. And this war is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s war. Putin’s soldiers were told different reasons for fighting in the Ukraine war. Some were told Ukraine committed genocide against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. He claimed that Kremlin-backed rebels were fighting Ukraine force since 2014. Putin has spoken negatively against NATO before and after the Soviet Union officially dissolved on December 25, 1991. His actions proved he wanted to build back the Soviet Union. He also claimed ‘denazification to prove him right in beginning a war against babies, mothers and seniors. All lies from a demonic non-human creature named Putin.

 This war was not provoked by Ukraine—and was a shock to its people. People were in the streets with their children as they would be on any day. I can tell you Hell is not hot enough for Putin who under his command thousands of babies, children, families, mothers and seniors were murdered. I believe in our world today NATO should make a law for all leaders who start an unprovoked war to be terminated. Ukraine will never be the same. And neither will I and the rest of the world.


These mothers, grandmothers, seniors stood in front of Russian tanks to protect their homes and towns. Yet, a sign written in Russian was “Children” on the ground in front and behind the Mariupol red-roof theater. More than a 1,000 people were in the Mariupol Theater when hit by a Russian airstrike.

 Rescue crews worked to find survivors under the rubble. Only 130 survived the bombing. More than 1,300 babies, children, mothers, elderly remain in the basements under what remain of the building. This is the most horrendous war crime since Adolf Hitler.


 Any country that stands with Putin should be considered an enemy of the people worldwide.  I personally will never buy anything made in India again to my knowledge.

  Russian soldiers that were captured by Ukraine were not told the truth about why they were fighting Ukraine let the captured soldiers call their mothers to come pick them up after they were medically cared for and given food and drink.


 When will it end? Will Putin live long enough to be tried by the International Criminal Court aka The Hague? It is located in a Dutch prison in Scheveningen. I first learned about ‘The Hague’ in a Sylvester Stallone movie. The ICC in 2002 became a permanent tribunal to prosecute a single individual for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes. And crimes of aggression were committed against people.


  I greatly admire the Ukrainian people who showed how brave and courage they were protecting their country. Their President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has proved he is a giant among men. He stands with his people not giving in to a wannabe Hitler. Putin especially hated Zelenskyy because he is Jewish and said as much in his speech.

  Putin lied to the Russian people and the Russian soldiers. Some of the Russian soldier joined the Ukraine Army and, in my research, I do not know if they were captured first or just cross over to the Ukraine side.


  Putin thought Ukraine would be an easy victory; however, he did not think about other countries helping. I am proud that our President Biden started ‘Sanction’ against Putin and his Billionaire friends; with other countries following with sanctions. These countries cared more about human life that the greed of money and fear of Putin.

   I want to mention the Polish people for their good hearts in lining up baby carriage for the Ukraine refugee mothers. I cried when I saw this—proving the love of all women around the world.


Five countries voted for Putin: 1. Belarus-- Alexander Lukashenko—He also was anxious about Ukraine’s being close to the West and NATO. 2. Syria—Bashar al-Assad returning a favor because Putin helped him battle groups for pro-democracy.  3. Eritrea—Isaias Afwerki Leader in a country located in north-east Africa. 4. North Korea—Kim Jong-un-Head of NK and is a hater of US, West and NATO. And Russia.


United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning Russian aggression: 141 Countries voting in favor, 34 abstaining and just five voted against.

The massive support for Ukraine was seen around the world. Our world wants peace to live a joyful life with their children—not see them die in a war started by a Hitler wannabe.


I send my prayers to the Ukraine people and with all my heartfelt love to the men who fought to protect their country, families and home. I pray that Putin will be punished to the fullest measure on earth. He will always be remembered as a murder of babies, children, mothers and the elderly. As I have said before Hell is not hot enough for Putin.

Russian people against the war are shouting in the streets of Russia. These are good Russian people as are many. 6,000 people have been arrested for protesting against the war.


 Written by Barbara Purvis Hunter on 3/20/2022


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